2019-09-14 9:00am - 4:30pm
Championship Day
Rookieball, Mosquito & PeeWee
Saturday September 14, 2019 - 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Weather Permitting
Game Schedule
Friendly Game(s) - 9:00AM to 10:20AM
Championship & Consolation Game - 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Championship & Consolation Game - 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Championship & Consolation Game - 12:30PM to 2:30PM
Championship & Consolation Game - 2:30PM to 4:30PM
Please visit your division page to view exact match-ups. Food & Beverage will be provided to all players and coaches.
Past Events
House League 9U, 11U, 13U - Championship Day
Blue Jays Baseball Academy Instructional Clinic
2023-06-02 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Annette Baseball Association Town Hall Meeting
2022-10-25 7:00PM - 9:00PM
House League - Championship Day 2022 - 9U, 11U, 13U
2022-09-17 9:00AM - 6:45PM
Championship Day - Rookieball, Mosquito & PeeWee
2019-09-14 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Picture Day & BBQ - Rookieball, Mosquito & PeeWee
2019-06-08 9:00AM - 5:00PM
ABA - House League Initiation Coaching Clinic
2019-04-14 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Coach & Volunteer Appreciation Night
2018-10-04 7:00PM - 12:00AM